Tuesday, July 27, 2010

:: creativity and constraint ::

i'm currently working on developing a recurring column for scoutie girl about eco-friendly art and design (more on that soon). as part of that, and perhaps even more so in my own work right now, i'm thinking a lot about creativity and constraint.

case in point: last year's illustrated desk calendars.

they are probably still one of my favorite up up creative products ever. something about them just made me so happy - the colors, the paper, the wide-format case, the hand-illustrated patterns.

but i can't help but feel like right now, they're kind of pathetic in terms of their eco superpowers. so for 2011, i am placing some new constraints on myself. i want to create desk calendars that are as lovely, but that are eco-friendlier. last year's used recycled paper, as do all of my things. but for 2011 i'm trying to experiment with various display options, paper sizes, arrangements, etc. i'm limiting my resources with the hope that in the end, i'm going to come up with something not just artistic but truly creative.

as i lay on my attic floor this afternoon brainstorming calendar possibilities and playing and all, i doodled myself a little reminder. and then i decided to turn it into desktop wallpaper. and then i decided to share it with you. i hope you enjoy it.

download it here. save the jpg file and set it as your desktop background. voila!

(p.s. i've decided to make these wallpapers a monthly thing. we're going to count this as august 2010's since i'm going to be "away" this weekend celebrating my fifth wedding anniversary (we're not actually going away, but we're getting kid-free time and celebrating nonetheless). come back at the beginning of september for the next installment.)

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I think it's a wonderful idea. Your designs would make great wallpapers!
i enjoyed it immensely! you have the prettiest handwriting, it makes me sigh happily.

happy anniversary!
oooooh. i like this post a lot!! it really defines so much of where i am today. the ecofriendly side of me dominates final decisions about my business, and i rest easy at the end of the day knowing i've made it work! i'm sure you'll do something fabulous - and i'm excited for you to give it a go! also can't wait for that or your posts on SG.

P.S. I recently posted about the lack of trash leftover from all my fabric freighting. Same idea - transcontinental trips of massive amounts of fabric. No trash! http://daisyjanie.typepad.com/daisyjanie/2010/07/...
I was SO SAD that I didn't get to buy your calendar's last year before they sold out. I loved them!
thank you thank you thank you! this illustration is truly inspiring. I'm off to find a box!
That is such a lovely reminder! And a wonderful idea turning it into a desktop :) Your handwriting is delightful!

I also must apologize - my spam filter picked up the lovely comment you left on my blog, and I only just found it now! I'm so sorry! and thank you for being so kind! Truth is - I find photographing my products one of the more tedious jobs too!

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