Sunday, November 22, 2009

:: orders out, shop in order ::

{orders assembled and stacked}

{sending out 28 desk calendars and some feelgood cards}

i'm not sure what it means that my shop is far more prepared for this baby's birth than any other aspect of my life. i've spent the last few weeks listing new items, preparing for the holidays, printing and cutting and assembling inventory, and getting everything organized for when i've got orders coming in and a newborn crying in my ear while i play with a toddler.

i'm hoping that it means i'm just naturally ready for the baby. this second time around maybe i'm just more confident that she'll come and it will be hard but not as hard as last time and we'll get through it. she's got some clothes. she's got a place to sleep. i'm pretty sure she's got diapers. maybe i'm just not as worried about the chaos in my real life as i am about the chaos in my business life.

or maybe it's just that i know that if i have chaos in my business life i'm going to have that much MORE chaos (and stress!) in my day-to-day life.


bg November 22, 2009 at 8:15 PM  

new form of nesting...

lindsay williams design December 3, 2009 at 2:11 PM  

If you don't mind me asking, I was wondering where you get the plastic holder/ stands you use with your beautiful calendars - thanks so much! or