Wednesday, February 25, 2009

:: :: they should have named the machine heroin :: ::

hand-drawn, hand-screenprinted.
i was experimenting with alignment and placement
here -- i like the peacock-off-the-edge thing more than
i expected i would.
now i just need some colored inks
and i can go REALLY crazy!

throwing all caution to the wind (and all financial thoughts to the dogs), i tried out my yudu last night. it's a bit boring of me, i guess, but i ended up not really going for any specific design and instead making my first screen a true test: i tried out different-sized text to see how clear it would come out; i included something i'd drawn by hand and imported into adobe illustrator.

it was so awesome. clean, easy, and quick. and although it took me three prints to get the printing part just right, my screen was awesome and the print came out crisp and clear.

my mom, who used to run a screenprinting business out of our basement and who taught me (and my whole class) to print when i was in 5th grade, was super jealous. "that used to be a two-day process" she said when two hours after i started i had a screen ready for printing. i think she's going to get one for herself now.

the cool part is, it's still screenprinting. you're still pulling the prints by hand. it's still your art (or your design or whatever) but all the messy imprecise stuff that comes with screenprinting is eliminated.

this is going to be so addictive.


Jenn February 25, 2009 at 3:25 PM  

WOW - love it off-center! I think it is stunning!

Anonymous March 3, 2009 at 2:42 AM  

Love your peacock!

I'm testing out the Yudu too & love it...I have a whole list of things to print now LOL.

You can read about my Yudu experience on my blog: