Wednesday, October 12, 2011

:: the more you know... ::

even though it makes me a bit sad if i think about it in a sad way (tautology much?), i've taken some steps these last few days to stop doing greeting cards. i did inventory, i removed all of the cards from my etsy shop (because my own shop tracks inventory, and my etsy shop makes that confusing and all not-worky), and i reduced the price by 25% for now.

which means it's time to stock up because it won't be long before they're all gone. i don't keep a lot of inventory on hand because i don't have a lot of space (my attic studio is small and not conducive to storage, what with it being unheated and uncooled and slanty-ceilinged). 

here are a few you may not know about, but should:

bitter / sweet dichotomy card

cah-gah-gen terrible twos congrats card

if you're happy and you know it


i have a secret

so yeah,

thinking of you

crazy love X - tv shows
have a lovely wednesday, friends. sorry for the very sell-y post. i'll be back later with a link to my guest post on a practical wedding, so there's that!