:: I Heart Cesar ::
It’s kind of embarrassing to admit, really, but I know I’m not alone in this: I have strong, strong prejudices against various pop culture icons, often based on nothing more than a certain sense I have about them. Like a crooked scientist doing research for the company who pays his salary, I avoid anything that might possibly constitute disconfirming evidence.
That guy James Blunt? I find him irritating and boring. I assume, based on his one lame-yet-wildly-popular song, that I hate his music. I don’t need to listen; I’ve already decided.
That’s why it is with such a great sense of defeat that I must admit this: I love Cesar Milan. I wanted to hate him. I did hate him. Come on? Dog Whisperer. Give me a break. But I’ve seen his show twice this week and all I can say is this: I would go buy a dog just so that this guy could do his dog whispering thing to him. He is amazing. I love him. I am thinking I will name my next dog Cesar in his honor. Or maybe my next kid. Hell.
If only he whispered to cats, too. Then I might invite him to move in with his cute little family and their bikes and skateboards and hordes and hordes of whispered-to dogs.
I read someplace that James Blunt is living in some skiing town and has slept with literally THOUSANDS of tourists, to the point where it's this huge local joke. I read that and thought REALLY? Because NEVER. Ever.
I have never seen the Dog Whisperer. I suspect it doesn't even come on any of my channels! Bah.
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