... an indie business owner slash entrepreneur slash graphic designer trying to find my way (emphasis on MY, not way) to earn a living and do it beautifully. you can find my wares at upupcreative.com or on etsy. i'm also a designer for snapfish and minted.
... a former college teacher and ph.d. student (in english) with a thing for words and a need to speak the truth
... mom to evan (who turned four in june '11 and who cracks me up, frustrates me, and amazes me on a daily basis) and emily (who is the sweetest baby ever ever ever - she will be 2 in december '11)
... married to a lawyer. enough said? nah... i'm just kidding. married to brian (who is awesome and just happens also to be a lawyer) for six years as of june 2011.
... slowly recovering posts from the old blog (see archives) (which, sadly, disappeared into thin air...)
... a post-partum depression & anxiety survivor. if you found me because of that, definitely read through the archives, reach out and say hi, and more than anything else just hang in there.
Math is not my strongest subject, but I definitely get this. Am definitely living this. (By the way, did you hear about that woman on Oprah who has figured out the language of babies?
Here's the link to it. It was fascinating and I thought of you (and your stress level). She claims by listening to the babie's cry and the way it sounds, they can tell you what they need (food, burp, repositioning, sleep...).
Is there a graph that depicts the relationship of stress to level of coping while considering the day of the week or the time of the year? Holidays stress me out, as much as I like the lights.
Yes, I think I get the message. :) Well communicated.
Using My Words
Math is not my strongest subject, but I definitely get this. Am definitely living this. (By the way, did you hear about that woman on Oprah who has figured out the language of babies?
Here's the link to it. It was fascinating and I thought of you (and your stress level). She claims by listening to the babie's cry and the way it sounds, they can tell you what they need (food, burp, repositioning, sleep...).
Is there a graph that depicts the relationship of stress to level of coping while considering the day of the week or the time of the year? Holidays stress me out, as much as I like the lights.
PS...I realize I typed "babie's". Every year I continue to teach seventh grade, I swear I feel my IQ drop a few points.
Crystal clear. (Hope today was better).
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