Sunday, April 5, 2009

:: :: april goals :: ::

jena from modish and modish biz tips has initiated a monthly goals check-in that i thought it would be interesting to participate in. i'm supposed to establish 5 business-related goals that i hope to accomplish this month.

mine are:

(1) order business cards (finally!)
(2) list my first screenprinted items in the shop
(3) list my first wedding stationery in the shop
(4) promote promote promote
(5) work on branding
(6) figure out a better bookkeeping system
(7) be happy

hmm. i have seven. plus i have some goals for each penny pretty. they are:

(1) increase readership by 25% by the end of the month
(2) get the two each penny pretty flickr groups up and running


Laura. April 6, 2009 at 2:38 PM  

yay! those are great goals. your blog is really beautiful, too, by the way!