Tuesday, March 3, 2009

:: :: hatchery :: ::

i never would have thought to take evan to the fish hatchery in winter, but when my mom suggested it and evan immediately commenced making fish lips (oh. my. god. cute. cute. cute.) i decided it might be fun.

as you can see, evan loved it. my favorite part was the duck prints in the snow. i'd never seen those before.

(and how's this for funny / horrible: after the fish hatchery, we got home to brian making fish sticks for dinner. my hand to god. and evan made more fish lips as he dipped his sticks in ketchup and chowed down (nom nom nom). i give him a year or two before that incites refusals to eat and teary why-mommies.)


Janet March 3, 2009 at 9:41 PM  

Good idea! The duck prints in the snow do look extremely cool. No pun intended.