Sunday, November 18, 2007

:: Someone Take My Temperature ::

God, the weekends.  Somehow they’re so much more stressful than the weekdays.  So much to get done, so little time.  I have less time to write, less time to read, and spend more time complaining. 

I think it’s because I usually leave school-related stuff – all that commenting, lesson planning, and grading – to the weekends and I squander all my Evan’s-with-Hubby time trying to get that stuff done.  We did get to hang out with lots of friends this weekend, though, which made it worthwhile.  It’s fun watching Evan interact with other people.

And yet?  I’m almost relieved that tomorrow’s Monday.  I know.  It’s sick.


McSwain November 18, 2007 at 7:39 PM  

Me too. It must be a teacher thing--I never had this issue until I started teaching--worked 8 hours yesterday. Crazy.

juliepippert November 19, 2007 at 5:54 AM  

Err...I think we all feel it. Friday, I am all TGIF!

Sunday night, I'm all TG we get back to routine!

Using My Words